Chapter 1572: Su Wei meets an old friend in Gongcheng

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Jiankang, Miyagi.

Liu Yu changed into the military uniform of Suwei. The red armor was decorated with exquisite patterns, which was particularly gorgeous. The heart-stirring old iron and the dragon-slaying sword were inserted into the double scabbards on his back, and they were different from the habitual ones.

Compared with the other officers of the Suwei army who were holding swords on their sides, they looked particularly different. This was indeed the case. In the open space in the corner of the palace wall, there were about a hundred or so soldiers of the Suwei army surrounding them.

Everyone looked at Liu Yu with sparkling eyes.

A young officer in his twenties with a beautiful mustache said with a smile: "Listen up, this is my master. His reputation is so powerful that no one knows it, and no one knows it."

Xiao, it’s a blessing for you guys to have you come here to see my master today, why don’t you come over and pay your respects?!”

Liu Yu smiled and lightly punched the young officer on the chest: "Ling Shi, I haven't seen you for a few years. When did you become so glib? I never taught you this."

This handsome young officer was Liu Yu's apprentice in Shouchun City, two brothers, Zhu Lingshi and Zhu Chaoshi. Their fathers were originally Jingzhou generals, but when Huan Chong died, they missed their old master.

Because of his kindness, he was so grieved that he vomited blood and died. The brothers suddenly became orphans. Fortunately, their father had many old friends in the army, so they were sent to the capital to become guards through connections. The two brothers themselves were very capable.

With their outstanding military talents and painstaking study of the military tactics left by Liu Yu over the years, the two of them are now the commanders of the Zhige Army in the Su Wei Army. They can be regarded as mid-to-high-level generals. Compared with Liu Yu now

The military positions are also at the same level.

Today happened to be the first day Liu Yu came to report to the Su Wei Army. Zhu Chaoshi could not come because he was on duty. Only Zhu Lingshi happened to be free and came to see Liu Yu with a bunch of friends from the Su Wei Army.

Most of them are the sons of officials in the capital, or the sons of generals. They have long been fascinated by Liu Yu's fame. The last three horse fights were held in various restaurants, gambling houses, and brothels in the capital.

The words of street storytellers and entertainers are magical. If there were signature pens, rocking sticks and other star-chasing props of later generations in this era, these sergeants would definitely have one each and come to pursue the superhero in their hearts.

A tall, strong young man in his early twenties with a childish look on his face came over and said with a grin: "Brother Liu, my name is Mao Xiuzhi. I have met you before."

Liu Yu looked at the young man and said calmly: "Mao Xiuzhi? Your surname is Mao. What is your relationship with the Mao brothers in Yizhou and Liangzhou?"

Mao Xiuzhi's eyes lit up, and Zhu Lingshi next to him said: "This is the right general, the grandson of General Shi Mao Muzhi of Xuancheng, and the son of Mao Jin, the governor of Liangzhou. Mao Xiuzhi is also a friend of mine for many years.


Liu Yu sighed: "When I was in the Beifu Army, I once committed an offense. When I arrived at the blacksmith building, the best brother there was your uncle Maoqiu. That was many years ago. A while ago

In Luoyang, I also borrowed your uncle Maoqiu's troops to defeat Murong Yong of Xiyan. Originally, I wanted to clear my grievances this time and wanted to drink with him, but unfortunately, we have been separated forever!"

Mao Xiuzhi's expression also became sad: "My uncle has been suffering from old injuries. Last winter, the weather was cold. The stragglers from Guanzhong and Qin Dynasty, and Yang Ding from Qiuchi took turns harassing Liangzhou. My uncle was confused about his clothes and armor, and finally

He became ill due to overwork, and unexpectedly, he couldn't afford to be ill like this. When he was dying, he kept chanting Brother Liu's name, saying that he was here to testify for you, and he was definitely not guilty of those crimes."

Liu Yu patted Mao Xiuzhi on the shoulder: "Now your father has taken over as the governor of Liangzhou, and your other uncle Mao Chu is the governor of Yizhou. The western part of the Jin Dynasty is entrusted to your Mao family. The Mao family has been for generations

Generals, you have worked hard for the Jin Dynasty for generations, and you must not disgrace the reputation of the Mao family by cultivating it."

Mao Xiuzhi nodded excitedly: "Definitely, definitely, I, Mao Xiuzhi, will have the opportunity to be with Brother Liu and learn how to be the best soldier. Brother Liu, you may not know how much we envy you.

Well, those heroic past events really sound like myths!"

Liu Yu laughed: "Envy me? I also envy you. You can be brothers with Liu Yu, the greatest warrior of the Jin Dynasty. You can practice martial arts and learn the art of war with him. How can I have such a good life?"

Everyone was stunned at first, then burst out laughing in unison. Liu Yu's self-praising joke immediately enlivened the somewhat reserved atmosphere. Liu Yu looked at the sergeants around him with a smile: "It's just a joke.

Now back to the topic, I, Liu Yu, have nothing special about me. I am neither better nor worse than anyone else. My martial arts skills and military skills are all acquired through diligent study and hard training.

When I was in the Beifu Army, I was just like you. In the blink of an eye, after more than ten years, I have fought a little more battles."

"But the reason why I survived these battles and became the Brother Liu you see today is because I sweat a lot, train every day before dawn, and study hard every day, so that I can

Less blood will be shed during the war. You are all soldiers of the Suwei, and you are all children of the generals. You are responsible for protecting the emperor. If there is a war in the future, you will also defend the Jin Dynasty and the Northern Expedition to the Central Plains. Therefore, you must not slack off."

Zhu Lingshi took the opportunity to say: "Did you hear it? My master is right. We don't have the capital to be lazy. We usually ask you to study hard and practice hard. You all said that we are in the capital of Suwei anyway and there won't be any war. Practice

Why are you working so hard? Now that my master has said so himself, you should believe it."

Many of the guardsmen lowered their heads in shame. Liu Yu said with a smile: "Here, there is no need to be a master and a disciple. Captain Zhu and I only had a relationship for a few days when we were in Shouchun.

, Strictly speaking, he is not a master and disciple, but if he really calls him that, I will accept it."

Zhu Lingshi suddenly became anxious and said: "Master, you must not deny me, otherwise, how will I be able to hang out among my brothers in the future?"

A calm and clear voice sounded: "If you want to fool around, don't use Brother Liu's name to deceive others. If you really have military skills, you don't have to look up to Brother Liu, and you can be admired."


Liu Yu followed the sound and saw two strong and vigorous figures walking over with more than a hundred people. The two brothers looked very similar. They were almost carved from the same mold. They were obviously from the same mother.

I saw them looking at each other and giving a military salute to Liu Yu at the same time: "Brothers Wang Zhongde and Wang Yuande of the Wang family in Taiyuan have met Brother Liu and said goodbye to Xingyang. We meet again today. My two brothers salute you!"


This chapter has been completed!
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