Chapter 1,578 The Yan army landed and Wei was in a hurry

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Murong Lin's eyes widened. He had already stood up from the stirrups, waving his whip, and shouted to the sergeants who were rushing to the shore like a tide: "Hurry, hurry up, hurry up, get on the boat first."

Those who delay will be heavily rewarded, those who delay will be immediately beheaded! Hurry!"

He whipped a soldier next to him who was carrying several shields and couldn't run as fast as his companions. He hit the guy with a bloody mark on his face and shouted: "Don't fucking want these things.

Fast, speed, speed!”

As soon as these words came out, the hundreds of sergeants around who were carrying ordnance and baggage threw away the combat equipment in their hands, whether it was heavy crossbows or shields. Almost all of them only carried their personal equipment, mainly long-range weapons.

With guns and bows and arrows, they rushed onto the boat. The helmsman sitting at the stern waited until there were twelve or three people in each boat, then he picked up the wooden oar and left the shore, while the sergeants sitting on the boat used their hands to

Everything that can be used to paddle the water, whether it is a spear or a sword, or even using your hands, can be used to paddle continuously in the river. No matter how fast it is, it is still good.

A strange scene formed on the bank of the river. The cavalry on the bank were like wild dragons, spreading their fronts and advancing towards the bank at full speed. On the dozens of ferries in the river, hundreds of boats were also competing against each other, facing the other bank like a string.

As for those sheepskin rafts, three or two warriors with sheep urine bags and hollow gourds tied around their waists, carrying shields, heavy crossbows and other ordnance that had been thrown down, jumped up, and the north wind blew strongly.

, and sent these sheepskin rafts straight to the other side. Suddenly, the Yellow River was like dumplings, filled with Yan army ferries. And because of the north wind, these ferries swam faster in the river, and when the Wei army cavalry left the shore

With more than a mile to go, the first batch of ferries had almost arrived amidst the cheers of their companions on the other side.

Tuoba Gui was so anxious that his heart was scratched by thousands of cat's claws. He looked helplessly at the Yan Army ferries on the opposite side. The first batch of more than ten ferries had already arrived at the shore. More than a hundred Yan Army soldiers jumped from the boats, including one or two water-soluble ferries.

The unlucky ones just landed on the ground, couldn't stand firmly, and fell into the water. Their companions who were close at hand had no intention to help them. Everyone only focused on moving forward to land, and they didn't even look around.

The companions who fell into the water were quickly washed away by the running water.

Tuoba Yi was so anxious that he yelled at his companions around him: "Don't worry about the formation, attack at full speed, don't let a single Yan army stay on the river bank."

A Yan Army officer jumped off the boat, turned around and shouted to the boatmen: "Go back quickly, go back quickly, and pick up the brothers behind."

After he finished shouting this sentence, he pulled out the sword from his waist and shouted: "Line up, quickly, with hands in front to guard against the enemy cavalry's attack. They are not armored cavalry, nor are they armored cavalry."

They may rush over at full speed, otherwise even if they overwhelm us, they will rush into the Yellow River and form a hedgehog formation."

Several sergeants on one side were surprised: "Hedgehog formation? This is pure anti-breakout. What if the enemy shoots arrows?"

This officer was Murong Lin's deputy. Mu Yuba, Mu Yusong's younger brother, was also one of Murong Lin's most trusted personal guards. It was precisely for this reason that the command of the first wave of assaults was given to him.

He knew Murong Lin's thoughts clearly and shouted loudly: "Time, time is the most important thing. We have heavy armor, which can withstand the enemy's shooting for a long time. As long as our follow-up troops follow up, we can take care of the heavy armor."

With the crossbow and large shield, you don’t have to worry about the enemy’s arrows. When our horses come out, we can attack with all our armor and cavalry. By then, Tuoba Gui will be defeated!"

All the officers and soldiers of the Yan army rushed together quickly, forming a hollow circular formation in groups of more than ten or more than twenty people. The soldiers in the outer circle held their swords forward, and the companions in the back held up the shoulders and backs of the companions in front.

Spread out among the river banks, more than ten such circular hedgehog formations were immediately formed, with more than a hundred shining branches pointed firmly at the Wei cavalry less than a mile ahead.

Tuoba Yi gritted his teeth and tightened the reins of his horse. The horse under his crotch retracted its front hooves and braked suddenly. He raised his right hand and gave a stop command. He was about two or three horse lengths behind him.

The first row of cavalry also stopped beside him. The lieutenant on one side turned to look at him: "King Rencheng, why did you stop? Are you not charging anymore?"

Tuoba Yi sighed and pointed at the hedgehog formations on the opposite side: "Didn't you see that the heavy armored infantry of the Yan Army formed a hedgehog formation? We are not armored cavalry. If we rush forward at full speed, we will suffer a big loss. God has no eyes, scrape

The north wind made them go ashore early and set up their formations. It is no longer possible for them to charge forward. Brothers, get me bows and arrows and mount the cavalry to shoot rings. First, shoot all these Yan troops to death!"

The deputy general curled up his lips: "But, they are all soldiers. Although they don't have shields, it is not so easy to shoot them to death. At least, they can at least hold on until the follow-up troops come up."

A trace of helplessness flashed in Tuoba Yi's eyes: "There is no way. Now that the ferries are back, we can shoot as many as we can. At least, we will hold here and wait for the follow-up cavalry to come. Maybe there are more people, and we can charge hard.

But now, we cannot let the Yan army continue to expand their formation on the beach, otherwise, if they set up camp on the beach, erect fences, and drag carts for cover, it may be difficult for reinforcements to come from behind. "

A smile flashed across Murong Lin's face. He sat back in the stirrups and breathed a sigh of relief: "Very good. I finally landed quickly. I beat the drums to help out and asked the boatmen to row harder to push out the second wave and the third wave."

The wave reinforcements have been sent over, and the people on the shore behind me should not be idle. Let me continue to assemble the ferries to go down. Don't divide them into different stages. All boats and sheepskin rafts must be used to cross the river."

A flash of panic flashed in Mu Yusong's eyes: "His Royal Highness King Zhao, do you really want to do this? Don't leave any ferry. What if you can't come back after passing there?"

Murong Lin laughed and pointed at the big flag behind him: "Did you see it? The north wind is blowing now, God is helping us, the river is gentle, and with our troops on the bank, it is impossible for the Wei army's arrows to cross dozens of miles offshore.

Don't be afraid to attack the ferries with our army's step-by-step formation. Let as many troops pass as possible. Otherwise, just wait for Tuoba Gui to escape. Send the order and after the three waves of ferries have passed, start transporting the materials for the camp.

Set up camp on the shore, and once the camp is established, I'll see how Tuoba Gui can defeat it!"

Mu Yusong on the side licked his lips: "Your Majesty, just to be on the safe side, let's keep ten ships. If there are any changes, we can take care of them."

Murong Lin waved his hand: "No need to go to such trouble. I will cross the river in person for the last ten boats and give orders to Mu Yu. The hedgehog array will advance twenty steps and clear a space of fifty steps away from the shore for me.

Protect the ferry!


This chapter has been completed!
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