Chapter 1,575: Sand Table Deduction of Intelligence Warfare

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The sergeants of the Suwei Guards all listened with fascination and nodded repeatedly. Most of them had never heard of these principles before. Zhu Lingshi said thoughtfully: "Master, no, Brother Liu has done it again in these years."

There are so many improvements, the military and political affairs can be combined. When you say this, I understand. Murong Lin also knew that he had no possibility of ascending to the throne, so he began to settle for the next best thing, and wanted to seize Monan and separate himself from one side.

Then wait for the situation to change and then raise troops to seize the throne!"

Liu Yu said seriously: "Yes, no country or force will be monolithic. Just like our Jin Dynasty, there are many interests involved. Since the Jin Dynasty moved south, the Jingyang Conflict has been going on for nearly a hundred years. The two major

Civil wars between the forces lasted almost all the time, even more often than the Northern Expedition."

Zhu Lingshi and Mao Xiuzhi from Jingzhou looked at each other, and Mao Xiuzhi sighed: "It's not that the governors of Jingzhou in the past have to support their own troops and raise troops to seize the throne. The court's suspicion of Jingzhou is also a very important reason, just like Brother Liu in

As said in the fighting arena, the mafia that controls the manors and land deeds in Yangzhou also wants to do the same in Jingzhou, but the powerful people from all over the Jingzhou will not be captured like the rich people with the local surname of Wu in the past.

The big bosses who could support Jingzhou as their foundation rose up to fight against it. From far away there were Wang Dun, and later there were Tao Kan, the three Yu brothers, and later they came to the Huan family."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Now there is no need to investigate the issue of responsibility for the Jing-Yang dispute. What I want to say is that the Jin Dynasty also had a Jing-Yang dispute. Fortunately, in the past twenty years, a superficial harmony has been maintained, and there has been no fighting of weapons.

, the civil war broke out. Most of our Suwei officers and soldiers are from Wudi, and many are from Jingzhou. Most of us are the children of generals. After the Suwei term is over, we will return to where we are as generals. I hope I can remember today's comradeship. Don't

Housemates fight against each other and do things that hurt their relatives and make their enemies happy."

All the sergeants looked serious and said in unison: "We are loyal to the Jin Dynasty, loyal to your Majesty, and will never kill each other."

When Liu Yu said this, he paused and continued: "Murong Lin wanted to capture Monan, just like Wang Dun captured Jingzhou. He wanted to have a piece of his own territory, so he immediately went to capture Yinshan Khan.

If you capture the imperial court, you can command the grassland just like you occupied Jiankang in the Jin Dynasty. However, just occupying the imperial court is not enough. Liu Xian of the Dugu tribe also occupied the imperial court, but Tuoba Gui returned alone.

The grassland can still establish its own power very quickly. After all, the Tuoba clan has dominated the grassland for hundreds of years. As long as Tuoba Gui is still alive, it is impossible for Murong Lin to take the position of Lord of Monan.

Be steady!"

Wang Yuande clapped his hands suddenly: "That's right, just like the previous emperors in the Central Plains, if they run away, they may come back at any time. Murong Lin originally wanted to drive Tuoba Gui to Liu Weichen and kill him with the help of Tiefu Xiongnu.

Tuoba Gui fled all the way, but he didn't expect that Tuoba Gui could bribe several large tribes in the Hetao Grassland and kill Liu Weichen in turn. Therefore, Murong Lin will definitely go and kill Tuoba Gui himself."

Wang Zhongde also nodded and said: "Yes, Tuoba Gui has newly conquered the Hetao Grassland, but after all, the tribes have been ruled by Liu Weichen for many years, and they have scruples. Not every tribe is willing to turn to Tuoba Gui so quickly, so Tuoba Gui

In order to disperse the army and appease everyone, he himself only brought 5,000 men and horses to guard the front line of the Yellow River. I heard that a few days ago, he executed more than 5,000 people from Liu Weichen's clan, men, women, old and young, together with Liu Weichen's head.

They were thrown into the Yellow River together to worship the gods. This is to establish their authority on the grassland."

Liu Yu nodded: "It is not only a way to establish authority, but also a method of sacrifice. I have seen this method before on the grassland. The Huns and Xianbei believe in different gods. They slaughtered all the Xiongnu royal family and sacrificed them to Xianbei's immortal god.

It can make the tribes in the Hetao grassland switch to the same beliefs as the Xianbei tribe. Moreover, there may be a need to ask the Yellow River God to bless him so that Murong Yan's army cannot cross the river."

To Yanzhi said: "I don't think Murong Lin will let Tuoba Gui gain a foothold just like this. He will definitely attack with light cavalry and cross the Yellow River. Tuoba Gui may not have enough troops to defend the entire Yellow River defense line. If it really is

If Murong Lin is allowed to cross the river and the army follows up, Tuoba Gui's good situation may be ruined."

Liu Yu sighed: "Yes, it will definitely be like this, so the key to this battle is that Murong Lin can't make a surprise attack and quickly cross the Yellow River. Tuoba Gui must have left a lot of spies in Monan. Murong Yan

When the army arrived from afar, it was logical that they could not avoid his eyes and ears. This was why Tuoba Gui dared to leave only 5,000 troops to guard the front line of the Yellow River. However, Murong Lin also had many years of secret operations on the grassland. If he

If you deliberately let Tuoba Gui go to fight with Liu Weichen, then you might really be sure to pursue Tuoba Gui. Now, let us see how this intelligence war will end."

Having said this, Liu Yu looked at the sand table. He stepped forward and picked up the pile of wooden horses from Murong Lin: "Three thousand, as long as three thousand Qingqi, avoid all the eyeliner tribes in the western part of Monan, maybe at this time, it has been

We are almost reaching the Yellow River, Tuoba Aqian, can you guard against Murong Lin's surprise attack this time?"

To the east of the Hetao, on the west bank of the Yellow River, Tuoba Gui was riding a horse, looking at the rolling Yellow River in front of him, thoughtfully. An Tong was beside him, with a relaxed expression, looking at the calm flowing Yellow River water in front of him, and said with a smile: "Say

It’s interesting to come here. After throwing those Tiefu Xiongnu into the river to worship the gods, the roaring river has calmed down a lot in the past two days. Maybe, we can build a pontoon bridge and go back to Monan without waiting until winter."

Tuoba Gui's brows were furrowed: "Something is not quite right, An Tong, how long has it been since there was no news from the eleven tribes we left in western Monan?"

An Tong was startled for a moment, then said: "News comes every day. They are all sent by flying eagles. They are very clear about the advancement and direction of Murong Yan's army. Murong Nong's headquarters, which is closest to us, is still far away from the river."

It's four hundred miles away. They brought their cattle, sheep and prisoners with them, but they could only travel a few dozen miles a day. It would take at least four or five days to reach the Yellow River. By then, we would be able to pacify the troops from all over the Hetao and rush back. Even if the Yan army arrived

, and it will no longer be possible to cross the river.”

Tuoba Gui murmured: "But the river is too gentle. If the Yan army reaches the river at this time, they can directly cut wood and cross the river. I feel something is wrong. Have the Helan tribe in the north reported anything? Have you said anything?

Where is Murong Lin's army? Also, where did Amin go after that ceremony?!"


This chapter has been completed!
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