Chapter 1576: Flying to seize the speed of life and death at the ferry

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An Tong's face changed: "My lord, are you doubting the loyalty of the Helan tribe? That's not true. Helan Ne has been very respectful and obedient over the years. You have also been very generous to him and made him the master of the East.

, he has no reason to betray you. As for the princess, she is passionately devoted to you. Even if you have favored Mrs. Liu in the past two years, you will not ruin the state affairs because of the jealousy of this woman. Besides, you have not ruined the state affairs.

Mrs. Liu has been established as Ke Dun, so let’s put her above her.”

Tuoba Gui gritted his teeth: "I always feel that something is not right. Shao'er is growing up day by day, but he is becoming less and less like me. This makes me very uneasy, and Amin has always been aloof from me, as if he is distant.

It's like something. The Helan tribe was originally from the East. Because of Helan Ranqian's rebellion, I deprived them of their secular positions and then returned them to them. Helan Ne may not accept this favor. If someone offers a higher price,

We can’t rule out the possibility of him betraying me.”

An Tong gritted his teeth: "However, in addition to the Helan tribe, there are ten tribes scattered in the western part of Monan. Even if the Helan tribe has problems, if Murong Lin's army comes, it is impossible to escape them.

Unless Murong Lin can eliminate them all, but if that is the case, then it will be impossible to receive the Flying Eagle message every day."

Tuoba Gui murmured: "I hope I am over-concerned, but I always feel that there is danger. I sent an order to leave a large camp of 1,000 sergeants for defense, and the others were separated from the camp. Each team of 200 soldiers went to the north.

All riverbanks within three hundred miles must be inspected, and all armies on the Hetao grassland must be ordered to set off immediately. Within three days, one hundred thousand cavalry must gather here. If there is delay, any of them will be killed!"

An Tong said sternly: "Yes." He had just turned his horse's head and was about to leave when Tuoba Gui suddenly said, "Also, find Amin immediately, invite her over, and tell her that I need to ask her to perform the ritual again.

, let the river god prevent Murong Yan's army from crossing the river! In addition, prepare my horses and let the Khan's guards prepare. I want to go to the north to see for myself. The water is the slowest at Mosong Ferry. I can only do it if I go there myself.

rest assured."

Northwest of Hetao, Mosong Ferry, Tianjing Mountain.

This is an inaccessible river beach. The Yellow River, which came all the way east, has since turned south. Due to the lack of water and grass here, even the mountains are sparse with vegetation. It is almost winter, and the entire mountain is bare, except for rocks.

There is no vegetation at all. No tribe would use this place as a pasture. It is precisely for this reason that this place where you can cross the Yellow River south and enter the Hetao has been a deserted wilderness for many years. No one cares about it, even the Tiefu Xiongnu

, also dismissive of this.

But on the back side of Tianjing Mountain, more than 6,000 war horses and more than 3,000 sergeants were gathered on guard. Hundreds of craftsmen quickly cut thousands of large logs that had been prepared from a hole in the ground.

They dug out a large pit, and then quickly hollowed out these giant trees, which were ten meters in diameter, and turned them into canoes that could accommodate more than ten people. There were already more than thirty such canoes on the river bank.

Ready, together with more than ten sheepskin rafts, ready to cross the river at any time.

Murong Lin was full of ambition and stood on Dujin Mountain. He Lanmin, wearing a veil, stood quietly beside him, with a cold light shining in her beautiful eyes, watching these actions by the Yellow River without saying a word.

Murong Lin smiled and said: "Tuoba Gui would never have imagined that the person who betrayed him was actually Princess Helan who had been with him for more than ten years. And this princess helped him preside over the massacre just a few days ago.

Liu Weichen's family's ceremony to worship heaven, He Lanmin, I, Murong Lin, have acted countless times in my life, and I don't think I can lose to anyone, but in front of you, I still have to be willing to be inferior."

He Lanmin said coldly: "You haven't crossed the river yet, so don't get complacent so quickly. Tuoba Gui won't give you too much time. If our Helan tribe hadn't secretly prepared so many things here early in the morning,

It’s a big tree used as a ferry. Even if you get here, you can never cross the river.”

Murong Lin laughed: "So, your support is crucial. Tuoba Gui will only use the Helan tribe as a slave, just like you, he will just use it. But I, Murong Lin, am different. I occupy

The grassland is for the purpose of seizing the throne in the Central Plains in the future, and I have no foundation at all. I can only rely on your Helan tribe to take care of it. Don't worry, after the elimination of Tuobagui, I will leave the Yinshan Khan Court to your Helan tribe.

Including Mobei, and I will return to Shengle City, and I will also ask my father for orders to make your Helan tribe the King of Hanhai and rule the desert forever."

He Lanmin nodded: "This is the condition of our cooperation. I hope you can abide by it. I have been attracting Kao Bagui's attention these days and asking him to hunt down Liu Weichen's surviving son Liu Bobo. In name, he is trying to appease the Hetao.

The various ministries are actually sending out troops to eradicate the weeds and wipe out the tribes that have taken Liu Bobo in. If not, what you have to face now is probably Tuoba Gui's army waiting for him on the south bank."

Murong Lin raised his eyebrows: "However, we still succeeded. We succeeded in running here with a light horse and two horses in two days and one night. We successfully passed through your Helan tribe without alerting the nearby Ho Mo.

Chen Hechu Yuebu, and now Tuoba Gui, foolishly camped there in Hedong. He would never have thought that we could actually go around to this Mosong Crossing, let alone that there are ready-made shipbuilding materials here. Helan

Princess, I promise you, if Tuoba Gui is killed, I will leave Mrs. Liu to your disposal."

A trace of resentment flashed in He Lanmin's eyes: "Huh, it's this bitch who repeatedly slandered me in front of Tuoba Gui, intentionally or unintentionally hinting at what happened in Daning City that day. She thought that by this means, she could

It was a dream to revive the Dugu tribe. This time, I will destroy the Dugu tribe together. When the time comes, I will definitely host another sacrificial ceremony and throw all the Dugu tribe members into the Yellow River to worship the heaven!


Murong Lin laughed: "Women are so jealous, so I never look for women. Well, Princess Helan, just cross the river with me."

He Lanmin nodded and was about to start going down the mountain. Suddenly, her expression changed. Looking in the distance towards the south bank of the river, a puff of smoke and dust came quickly. Along the direction of the Yellow River, it was less than five days away from the ferry.

Inside, it is clearly visible under the clear sky, and above the smoke, there is a large flag flying high, with a radiant sun on it, which is the tribal totem of the Tuoba tribe.

, a wolf with its head raised and roaring into the sky seems to be running on the flag, two clicks combined into one. Isn't it the personal guard flag of Tuoba Gui, the leader of the Wei Kingdom and the leader of the Tuoba Tribe?


This chapter has been completed!
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