Chapter 1,577 The battle for the crossing is a gamble on the fate of Wei

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Under the flag, the person in the lead, with golden armor and a big hat with a wolf head, is Tuoba Gui, the leader of the Wei Dynasty in the Megatron Grassland. He can see everything clearly from a high position on this mountain.

He Lanmin's body was trembling slightly: "No, it's Tuoba Gui, it's Tuoba Gui who's here."

Murong Lin's face turned gloomy, and He Lanmin suddenly grabbed his arm: "Quick, let your subordinates hide, hide the boat and the sheepskin raft, maybe you can deceive Tuoba Gui."

Murong Lin's eyes flashed fiercely, and he struggled to break away from He Lanmin's hand: "What are you afraid of? It seems that they are only a few hundred riders, not a large army. They are here to patrol, not to block, but there will definitely be people following behind.

Come on, if we retreat at this time, we will never be able to cross the river again. Send an order to all the sergeants to mount their horses now and use the current ferry to force the crossing! The first brave man to land on the south bank will be granted the title of general!"

He Lanmin gritted her teeth and said, "Are you crazy? Tuoba Gui will come first, and there will be a large group following behind. We can only attack by sneak attack, not by force. Even if we wait here until night before moving out, we will have a better chance than doing this randomly."

Murong Lin gritted his teeth: "This is not a random act, but a fight for speed. If Tuoba Gui comes here, he will definitely leave people to garrison, and his subordinates will also respond later. Even at night, we have no chance, and in the dark night

If we want to cross the Yellow River without lights, even if the water here is a little slow, it is still very risky. Many of our soldiers don't know the nature of water at all. Sailing at night will cost them their lives. Now, taking advantage of the opponent's small number of soldiers, we can force the crossing in one go. As long as we can defeat them

Tuoba Gui's vanguard can camp on the south bank of the Yellow River. When the time comes, we just need to inform Uncle De Huang and let them come here at the same time, and then great things can be accomplished, and I can also make the first contribution!"

He Lanmin's eyes rolled: "In this case, I will quickly report to our Helan Department and ask them to notify your follow-up troops and follow up quickly. Anyway, I can't help here now, so this is just the right thing to do.


Murong Lin frowned: "Princess Helan, you are trying to find an opportunity to sneak back to Tuoba Gui. In front of me, you don't need to act so cautiously."

He Lanmin's pink face turned slightly red, but she couldn't tell it through the veil. She raised her eyebrows and sneered: "People always have to leave a way out for themselves. Your Highness, King Zhao, if you successfully cross the river, then

I can continue to report to you on the other side. If you can't cross the river, at least I can stay with Tuoba Gui and plan my future affairs. It's better than me being exposed now. If Tuoba Gui guards the south bank, then he

They will definitely suspect our Helan tribe. If they find that I am not here, it will be a big trouble. Therefore, if the forced crossing fails, you have to ask your follow-up troops to attack our Helan tribe again, and we will be left to you.

It takes several thousand heads to pass the test."

Murong Lin thought for a moment, looked at the smoke and dust getting closer and closer to the south bank, and gritted his teeth: "Forget it, you can go back, but my forced crossing will definitely succeed!"

As he spoke, he no longer looked at He Lanmin, mounted his horse, and galloped down the mountain. Dozens of personal guards followed closely behind him, and soon they disappeared.

He Lanmin sighed, turned and ran into the dense forest behind her. As she ran, she began to take off her leather robe, and pulled out a tight-fitting water body from the package at the back, and a few sheep urine floats,

It also started to be tied around her waist.

Tuoba Gui's face was dripping with sweat. He was still about two miles away from the shore, but he could already see clearly that on the opposite bank of the river, more than thirty canoes had been pushed into the water, and people jumped on each boat.

More than a dozen fully armed soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, armed with swords and bows, followed, and more cavalry came from all directions towards the river bank. A tall flag with the word "Zhao" written on it floated in the wind.

Under the flying flag, Murong Lin in silver armor and silver helmet, riding a white horse, was passing the messengers non-stop, issuing military orders one after another.

Tuoba Yi, the king of Rencheng, was holding the giant tree and following Tuoba Gui step by step. The number one warrior in the Wei Kingdom had become Tuoba Gui's number one bodyguard over the years. His brows were furrowed.

With the word Sichuan, he said: "Your Majesty, your worry is indeed correct. Yan Thief, Yan Thief really wants to sneak across here."

Tuoba Gui looked at the seven or eight canoes that had launched into the water and were rowing towards the south bank. He gritted his teeth and said, "However, we only have more than 200 people now. The Yan army has more than 3,000, and they are all elite heavy armors."

, if we fight hard, we may not be able to resist."

Tuoba Yi laughed and said: "No matter how powerful they are, they are just infantry, and they can't form a formation quickly when they get ashore. As long as we ride a sudden attack, we can drive them down the Yellow River."

Tuoba Gui did not accept this remark. They continued to advance at full speed and began to disperse their formation. Tuoba Yi's wild roar turned the two hundred or so cavalry who were originally marching in column into a horizontal formation and began to disperse head-on.

Opening, about a mile ahead, three cavalry lines were quickly formed. The cavalry in the first row held their bows and arrows, while the knights in the last two rows picked up their horses and maces, just waiting for an order.

If they want to go down, they will first release arrows, then attack, and use the most standard prairie cavalry tactics to drive all the enemies down the Yellow River.

Tuoba Gui turned his head and glanced behind him. Within ten miles, the sky was clear and there was no smoke and dust raised by the cavalry galloping. He said solemnly: "When we came out, where were the nearest follow-up troops?"

Tuoba Yi thought for a while and said: "When the king took us out of the camp, the other teams were still forming and had no time to follow. Only our Khan Guards can set off at any time. According to the normal system, there should be at least one moment between subsequent ones.

It will take two to three quarters of an hour at night, and their horses are not as fast as ours. The nearest reinforcements are probably about fifteen miles away."

Tuoba Gui whipped the horse's back with hatred, causing the horse to neigh in pain. Tuoba Gui's eyes flashed, and he said in a deep voice: "It took Yan's army about a quarter of an hour to cross the river. Now they even have the boat."

A sheepskin raft can carry about three hundred people at a time. If it takes two or three trips, it can transport more than a thousand people. They are heavily armored sergeants. If there are a thousand people in formation, even if our cavalry comes later,

It is difficult to break through in one fell swoop, so the top priority is to continuously attack them and never let them gain a foothold on the river bank. Tuoba Yi, you lead the Khan Guard, don't fire arrows, and wait for the Yan army to come ashore.

Just attack at full speed, no matter how much it costs, you can't let the Yan army easily form a formation."

Tuoba Yi nodded: "Your Majesty, look at me!"

Tuoba Gui jumped off the horse, knelt on the ground, spread his hands, looked up to the sky, and said loudly: "God of Immortality, please grant your servants in the world strength and courage. The Wei Kingdom will survive, and the Tuoba family's inheritance will depend on it."

This battle!"

This chapter has been completed!
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