Chapter 1,573 War Game Deduction of Desert War

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Liu Yu suddenly laughed: "It turned out to be the Wang brothers who met in Xingyang City, but weren't you called Wang Rui and Wang Yi at the time? Why have you changed your names now?"

Wang Yuande (Wang Rui) laughed: "You can call it that in the north, but not in the south. We still have to avoid the taboos of the two predecessors of the Jin Dynasty, King Sima Xuan and Emperor Yuan. Therefore, we can only use the word to practice the world.


Liu Yu understood. It turned out to be because Sima Yi and Sima Rui had the same names as the two brothers. He nodded and looked at the two men: "You two wanted to go north with Liu Zhong back then, but later I remembered that you still went

If you go to the north, how come you come to the capital?"

Wang Zhongde said: "Back then, as common people of the former Qin Dynasty, we enlisted in the army. As a result, the former Qin Dynasty was defeated. When we returned to our hometown in Xingyang, we found that the evil thief Murong Chui massacred our hometown. This is what you saw. If it hadn't been for you

Brother Liu saved us, but our brothers had died long ago. Later, brother Liu Zhong went to Qingzhou on the same journey. I heard that he later returned to Jingkou and joined the Beifu Army, while our two brothers joined the Wei Kingdom of Ding Ling.

, not for anything else, just for the chance to get revenge on Murong Chui!"

Liu Yu nodded: "I see, I didn't see you during the last battle in Yecheng?!"

Wang Zhongde sighed: "Zhai Wei is just like Murong's thieves, brutal and brutal, specializing in plunder. They don't even think about revenge against Murong Yan's country. They are even often recruited by Murong Chui and accept official positions from him. We brothers feel that they should follow him."

Zhai Liao and his son could not succeed, so they returned to their roots five years ago and returned to the Jin Dynasty. At that time, we found Wang Guobao Wang Pushe, who was also a member of the Wang family in Taiyuan, but he did not see our brother at all, so we looked for his brother again.

Brother, as a member of a noble family, Mr. Wang Yu allowed us to join the Su Wei Army. Over the past few years, we have accumulated some merits and become the commander of the prison gate brigade."

Liu Yu laughed: "It's not easy for you two. You have to work hard on your own in troubled times, and you have a good future. However, my companion you met in Xingyang last time is Murong Chui's sister, Yan Guo

The eldest princess, but she has nothing to do with the Yan Kingdom now. She is my Liu Yu’s wife Zang Aiqin. We are familiar with each other. I have to remind you that if you seek revenge on my wife, I have to protect my family.


Wang Yuande laughed: "What did Brother Liu say? Princess Murong saved us last time. She is a good person. It was Murong Chui who massacred the city. It has nothing to do with her. We brothers can still distinguish between right and wrong. But in the future,

If there is a chance to take revenge on Murong Chui, I hope my sister-in-law will not stop us."

Liu Yu nodded and said seriously: "She is no longer the princess of the Yan Kingdom, but my Liu Yu's wife. When it comes to enmity with the Yan Kingdom, no one can surpass me, Liu Yu. If she can't stop me, of course she will

I can't stop you. However, the Jin Dynasty may not have the strength to send troops to the Northern Expedition in a few years. What we people can do is to be prepared at all times and pay close attention to the situation in the north. Once the situation changes, we must be ready at any time.

Get ready to fight for your country."

Wang Zhongde waved his hand, and the sergeants on the left and right brought a sand table. On it was a large green grassland, with a large river running across the north and south, dividing it from east to west. In addition, there were deserts and mountains. Obviously, this was the terrain of the northern grasslands.

Liu Yu took one look at it and said immediately: "This is the Hetao Grassland, brother Zhongde, do you want to discuss the current war in the Hetao Grassland with me?"

Wang Zhongde nodded: "Yes, all the main forces of the Yan bandits are here now. There is a war with the Northern Wei Dynasty that is about to break out. Although we cannot be in the north, we still want to pay attention to this battle. After all, this battle involves us.

sworn enemy."

Wang Yuande also followed up and said: "Yes, I heard that Brother Liu also lived on the grassland for several years and became brothers with Tuoba Gui, the leader of Wei. Oh, he was called Aqian in their country. What do you think about the situation on both sides?

We are all very familiar with it, so we would like to ask Brother Liu, how will this battle develop?"

Liu Yu looked at the sand table. Groups of Trojan horses and military flags represented the strength and position of both sides. The pale ones represented the military strength of the Wei State and were scattered throughout the Hetao grassland, while the black ones represented the military strength of the Wei State.

The military strength of the Murong family was divided into three directions: south, center, and north. They rushed towards the Yellow River, but the distances were not equal. The most prominent center of Murong De's army was still six or seven hundred miles away from the river bank.

Liu Yu said calmly: "These are the maps that have been laid out based on this morning's Ministry of War report."

Zhu Lingshi smiled and said: "Exactly, the Wang brothers have acquaintances in the Ministry of War, so they directly moved the map from the Ministry of War. You two guys have to be careful. Last time you moved the map privately, you were warned.


Liu Yu waved his hand: "Do you know why Tuoba Gui's troops are scattered everywhere now, and why the various troops of the Murong family did not gather together, but dispersed and marched towards the Yellow River?"

Wang Yuande said sternly: "Because both sides are newly conquered areas, Tuoba Wei Kingdom has just captured the Hetao, and Murong Yan's army has just captured Monan. The people are not yet attached to it and the terrain is unfamiliar. Although the Yan army continues to move westward to pursue Tuoba who has just captured the Hetao.

Tuoba Gui, but Tuoba Gui defended the dangerous position of the Yellow River. Five thousand troops of his own army were enough, while other armies were dispersed to pacify various tribes in the Hetao grassland. I think that within a month, the pacification meeting will be over, and Tuoba Gui will

We will organize more than 100,000 cavalry to confront the Yan army across the river."

Wang Zhongde then said: "This time the Yan army sent troops, Murong Chui did not take command due to illness. Instead, he asked Prince Murong Bao to take command. This man was incompetent, always cowardly, and could not convince the crowd, so he made Fan Yang Wang Murong De as deputy commander.

Control the overall situation, but since Murong Chui restored Hou Yan and raised troops, all his sons have led the army and conquered all directions. This time, it is impossible to seize the military power of each son and return it to Murong Bao alone. Therefore, it is his sons who are responsible for the overall situation.

The commander of the army, Murong De, would not obey all orders. Just like Zhao Wang Murong Lin, he originally received the order to tightly bite the main force of Tuoba Gui's headquarters, but he went on his own and went to attack Yinshan.

The Khan's court allowed Tuoba Gui to withdraw his main force and head west to counterattack and destroy Liu Weichen."

When he said that he was here at this time, he paused: "So this time, Murongde still asked all the people to go west together and kill Tuoba Gui before his foothold was stable. But everyone had different ideas. Some people

Unwilling to give up the cattle, sheep, horses, and Dingkou that he had already obtained from various tribes in Monan, Murongde walked very slowly, so Murongde could only go hand in hand with them. After all, if he goes deep alone, there is a possibility that Tuoba Gui can defeat him in one fell swoop!"

Liu Yu cast his eyes on the northern line and said calmly: "Then, please tell me, where is Murong Lin now?"

This chapter has been completed!
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