Come to the new world where the steam industry is booming, inherit the three-story apartment in the capital square of the kingdom, take someone else's cat with you, listen to the whispers in your ears, and witness this mysterious and bizarre era. The epic of the sixth era is about to begin. , behind the curtain, the chosen one will step into the legend. Old gods, relics, steam, witches, detectives, ancient mysteries, the glory of the era... Do you want to play a game of Rhodes? Time is etched in time. , the silver moon shines on the shadows. I compose legends for you, and you whisper poems for me. (There is also an old book with five million words, which is updated twice a day. 6:50 a.m., 5:50 p.m., salty The reputation of fish products is guaranteed.)
The latest 9 chapters
Whispering PoemsChapter Contents